Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"These are the real previews!!!"

Signing off.

Its been fun.

Interview with maria, pt 2

brian: which harry potter character is your favorite?

maria: no--which one would i make out with! i'd make out with ron!!!

brian: (shocked) how do you know that so fast?!?!

maria: because i've thought about it!

Interview with maria, pt 2

brian: which harry potter character is your favorite?

maria: no--which one would i make out with! i'd make out with ron!!!

brian: (shocked) how do you know that so fast?!?!

maria: because i've thought about it!

Interview with maria

me: what's your favorite spell, and why?

maria: the petronus charm, because it's pretty. it often takes the form of adorable animals.

me: what would your animal me?

maria: a lynx.

me: why's that?

maria: because its fierce. its powerful--and still cute.

me: what would brian's be?

maria: (thinking) it'd be like a... a bull. maybe a--oh wait, definitely a bald eagle!!!

me: and mine?

maria: umm...

brian: a turtle!

maria: i was gonna say a sloth. or a dog, or a bad ass lizard. a horny toad?

brian: yeah! a horny toad!

I believe they mean the horned frog. In any event, point taken.

How do you explain this one?


There's a penguin in the theatre.

I mean, it's a girl in a penguin costume. But, either way...


Excuse me while I go throw on my Pikachu outfit.


Maria has arrived. She may or may not have brought an entire 7-11 store in her purse.

Quote of the night

Cool guy: "We're here to see The Proposal. Is this the right theatre?"

The reason I like that joke? I had sex with his mom.

Brian sucks at photos

Our first Harry Potter impersonator sighting. Capes - 3, suits - 1.

Updated count

Capes - 1, suits - 1

Who wears a suit to HP6?

(...who the hell live blogs a Harry Potter movie release?)


First cape sighting-- 11:06pm. She looked like a very nice girl.

Frat guy alert

What are the greek letters that look like E A and M? Men of EAM, you are represented at the HP6 midnight showing.

Overheard in the row ahead

Rando chick: "I made cookie dough last night--not to bake it, but to eat it."

Moments later, a box of Lucky Charms emerges from the purse.

Harry, these are your fans.

Interview with brian

me: so on a scale of 1 to 10, how much fun are you having right now?

brian: zero.

party pooper.

We have a winner.

I just took a picture of a seventeen-year old (maybe sixteen-year old) girl wearing the award-winning shirt for tonight.

Ok, scratch that--she's 22. I don't feel so bad.

In the theatre.

Lots of high school chicks giggling. Also, another population observation: definitely underestimated the Asian population.

Laurens photo is attached. Her line is not daunting.

My sister checks in

Here's the word from my sister, in st augustine fl:

My name is Lauren Walsh. I am 24 years old and I love Harry Potter. I am viewing HP6 at a super awesome new theater in St. Augustine. Just got in line at 10:26. I am showing you how far from the front I am via a photo. There is a stupid crazy person in front of me with an I love Lucius shirt on in front of me. I don't think I like her. There's anothrt girl with a shirt that says Hermoine is my hero.She's better. There are also some ho-ish girls dressed as if they went to Hogwarts. I think Sean is going to take a photo of them. I am with he and Byron. I wish I had a costume. But I do not. I would want to be Professor Trelawney. She's fun. I'll snap a photo later showing my updated status in line. Don't forget to check Sean's twitter for the photos ! Hi Brian!

Costume update

"Half-blood princess" shirt sighting. I can has?

Inside building, outside theatre

So we decided to make sure we wr doin it rite by checking inside the building. We somehow were organized into a line. Two significant costume sightings thus far:

-fortune telling chick w crystal ball, probably 15 yrs old
-full-fledged mad eye moody. wig, staff, eye, coat. nice work guy.

keeping an eye out for other winners (like myself) as we speak.

The scene!

We've arrived at the fenway theatre. I'm perplexed--no outside line. Rather than go inside to confirm how manly we are, brian and I are waiting outside.

What exactly are we waiting for? That's hard to say. But we will definitely know when we see it.

I should point out

that brian's gf, who convinced us to do this, is not with us. What does this mean?

That's right. Two twenty-something year old DUDES, in line for the harry potter movie.

We are so cool.

leaving the apt

So the movie starts at midnight, so brian and I are leaving now to go to the theatre. Hopefully we will be able to get seats despite leaving so late.

We are headed to starbucks now, since we definitely need additional amped upness. JK NO WE DON'T WE LOVE HARRY POTTER WOOOO!!!!!!11

i can't believe i'm doing this.

tonight i am going to see the midnight release of the newest harry potter film.

let me just throw out what i expect to have happen.

1) i should be the oldest person there by about five years.

2) i'm putting the "costumed" percentage at about 40.

3) i will not wear a costume.

4) i will interview as many interesting people as possible.

5) i will make this fun.

i hope you enjoy the suspenseful ride.

if you're going to a midnight showing yourself, PLEASE e-mail, text, or comment with your own thoughts and experiences to add to the content here.

hooray! harry potter! woo!